Online Learning Events 2024-2025
Join us for a Taste of Confratute! These virtual events provide interactive professional learning reflecting the flavors of Confratute. Our expert speakers address key questions and provide practical guidance for educators to support high-level learning in and out of classrooms. Each event begins with a keynote address and Q&A, followed by breakout sessions on the topics of the day.
Registration Fees
Early Bird Registration: $69 Regular Registration: $89
Group rates available. Contact us for details.
Event Schedule
12:00 PM-1:00 PM: Keynote
1:15-2:15 PM: Breakouts
2:30-3:30 PM: Breakouts
All sessions will be recorded and available to registered participants for 30 days after the event.
Wednesday, January 29: Teaching Thinking Skills in Enrichment Programs and Classrooms
Early Bird Registration Deadline: January 10, 2025
This Taste of Confratute program focuses on teaching thinking skills, an important instructional process in both classrooms and enrichment programs. Teaching both critical and creative thinking skills enables students to learn how to process information, analyze data, solve problems, and complete more challenging tasks with independent initiative. In this half-day professional learning event, presenters explore critical and creative thinking skills and provide practical sessions about how to introduce and integrate these skills and problem-solving strategies into your classroom and enrichment program. Interactive sessions focus on decision making, problem solving, fluency, observation, exploration, classification, and generating hypotheses, as well as problem and project-based learning. A special feature will include attention to programs such as Future Problem Solving, Connecticut Invention Convention, and the Schoolwide Enrichment Model that focus on developing critical and creative thinking and problem solving skills.
Keynote by Jann Leppien
Breakout sessions from April Michele, Rick Courtright, Alicia Schroeder-Schock, Jason McIntosh, Adam Parks, Nichole Pitruzzello and Kerry MacFarland
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Wednesday, February 26:Social and Emotional Development for Promoting Academic Achievement and Positive Outcomes for Academically Talented Students
Early Bird Registration Deadline: February 3, 2025
What are the key components of positive social and emotional development for academically talented students? What types of social and emotional learning experiences help academically talented students develop skills for positive achievement and healthy development? Some academically talented students face challenges in their social and emotional growth, such as underachievement, anxiety, perfectionism, intensity, and asynchronous development. In this half-day Taste of Confratute session, presenters summarize current research on social and emotional development of talented youth, discuss underachievement and other challenges that may emerge in this population, and introduce several strategies to engage and help students to achieve and use their talents for positive outcomes in their lives. Join us to interact with speakers and other participants around these important and timely topics!
Keynote by Sally Reis
Breakout sessions by Mark Hess, Sally Reis, Susannah Richards, Del Siegle, and Debi Torres
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Wednesday, March 26: Strength-Based Learning for All Students
Early Bird Registration Deadline: March 3, 2025
For several decades, the Renzulli Center has promoted the development of strength-based learning for academically talented students and the use of these strategies to enhance education for all learners. What is strength-based learning? How can it benefit academically talented students, twice exceptional students, and our general population of all other students? Join our half-day virtual Taste of Confratute event to learn from and interact with experts. Our speakers define strength-based learning, describe how this brand of learning differs from more traditional educational approaches, and offer in-depth examples of how all educators can benefit from learning more about students’ interests and strengths to support and develop talents.
Keynote by Todd Kettler
The SEM: An Overview and Some Inspiration-October, 24, 2024
Registration Participant Access