

Making the Case to Your Supervisor

Many school districts' travel and professional development budgets have been considerably reduced. Regardless of the merits of Confratute, you may need to justify the experience to your supervisor. Here are some things you may want to consider:

  • Focus on what you will specifically bring back to your school, school district, or organization.
  • Offer to prepare and deliver a short presentation and Q&A to your supervisor and colleagues to share what you learned and the resources you have discovered. That way, others will get the benefits of your attendance too.
  • If you need Continuing Education Units, remind your supervisor that Confratute is a great way to earn the CE hours (for strands, special topic sessions, keynotes, and evening forums) at no additional cost.
  • Offer to share a hotel room and/or airport shuttle or taxi to reduce expenses.
  • Be sure to check out the Registration page in the brochure to see if you qualify for any discounts.
  • Complete the justification letter and worksheet and share it with your supervisor.

Justify Your Attendance at Confratute

As you consider attending Confratute, you may find these tools and resources helpful when communicating with your principal or supervisor.

  • Request for Funding for Confratute Letter to Principal/Supervisor: Customize a letter to your principal/supervisor to help explain the value of attending Confratute.
  • Press Release:.docx textdoc Download the press release and enter your information to submit to a local newspaper or online newsletter.

Don't forget to include a Thank You note to your principal or supervisor after the conference.

Good luck, and we hope to see you at Confratute in July!